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HERMES 100% silk orange border H buckle horsebit chain scarf
TWD 20,271
+499 專人檢查品質、正品鑑定
HERMES 100% silk orange border H buckle horsebit chain scarf Reference: SNKO/A00355 Brand: Hermes Material: Silk Color: Orange, Multicolour Pattern: Abstract Made in: France CONDITION: Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent狀態.尺寸:寬度:86 公分/33.5 英吋
長度:88 公分/34.3 英吋
JHROP 不隸屬於 Hermes。這款愛馬仕商品是正品。
HERMES 100% silk orange border H buckle horsebit chain scarf
Reference: SNKO/A00355
Brand: Hermes
Material: Silk
Color: Orange, Multicolour
Pattern: Abstract
Made in: France
Condition: Excellent, this item was pre-owned and is in excellent condition.
Width: 86cm / 33.5"
Length: 88cm / 34.3"
JHROP is not affiliated with Hermes. This Hermes item is authentic.
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